Easy Smoky Eye Makeup | Video
Use kohl eyeliner as a dark primer base for a smoky eye.

Learn how to apply the smokey eyes you see on models. An easy tutorial to medium-dark beautiful makeup.
Learn how to apply the smokey eyes you see on models. An easy tutorial to medium-dark beautiful makeup.
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Face/Skin Care:1.If you know you get bags under your eyes than leave 2 spoons in the frezeer over night and when you wake up put em on your eyes to decrease bagginess2.When you wake up splash your face with cold water for 10 seconds.3.If you’re doing eye make up and you mess up, take a Q-tip, dip it in some moisturizer and wipe it off and you’re good to go.That’s some that I know.Go onto google and youtube and look up basic beauty tips, basic dating tips.You’re a good friend! Good luck!