3 Ways To Eat Right For Beautiful Hair
The importance of amino acids.

Bodies thrive and heal from the inside out. So if you want something on your outside that is gorgeous, it has to have its origin of beauty in your inside. Since hair is nourished by the foods that you eat, we have put together 3 ways to eat right for beautiful hair to include in your everyday meal plan. If your diet is missing certain vitamins, it will show in your skin as well as in the texture and sheen of your hair. Certain amino acids can be broken down from the nutritional proteins and used for hair follicle growth and scalp health in general. Amino acids will form cells and other chemically active substances that will feed the hair follicles so that healthy shafts of hair will emerge. If your diet does not include a minimum amount of protein every day, your hair will suffer by slowing its growth and being much more susceptible to falling out.
1. Sources Of Protein
Protein does not only come from animals. If you are a vegetarian with gorgeous, shiny hair, you are probably eating a sufficient amount of beans or quinoa, to get all the protein you need. Navy beans, kidney beans, white beans, or pinto beans will give you plenty of protein. Protein can also be found in eggs and peanut butter. It doesn’t matter where the protein comes from, so long as it ends up building your amino acids.
2. Carbohydrates And Vitamins
Other nutrients that are extremely important in the health of your hair are the carbs. Yes, the ‘C’ word. Carbohydrates will provide all kinds of vitamins as well as amino acids, minerals and trace elements. All of that is important in your overall health. Your hair is just part of that big picture but it can be like a window into your nutritional status. A well-balanced diet is usually the best thing you can do for your body.
3. Necessary Fats For Pretty Hair
Vitamin B is another important part of growing hair. If you think you may be deficient in certain vitamins, take a supplement just to be sure you have all that your body requires. A multi-vitamin a day will be your pill to ensure a balanced diet. Your body also needs fats. As much as we abhor hearing that our bodies have fat, it is a necessary ingredient in being healthy and having healthy hair. Fat can be obtained in different ways. It does not have to derive from animals. Fats can be found in nuts like walnuts or pecans, hazelnuts and peanuts. Make sure your diet does not lack fat. Fat is also oil. There are healthy oils for you to cook with to avoid high cholesterol.
I love beans 🙂 . It’s good to know it can help my hair. Thank you very much for the helpful information.