A Shimmery Spray They Even Use Backstage
Get beautiful skin with Airbrush Shimmer by Sally Hansen.

I first saw this product when I was on the set of Deal or No Deal. Backstage there were cans which lined the vanity mirrors. It’s a light weight shimmery beautifier! Lasting all day, Airbrush Shimmer Spray is a must have for nights out or beach days — perfect for legs, arms and any exposed skin to add extra bronzer “umph”. It also washes off easily in the shower.
Where to buy: You can get it in the beauty section at any drug store or online for around $12.
SMB recommended use: Use only on exposed skin as it can leave a residue on clothing.
*All Product of the WEEK! recommendations are the views of Secret Model Beauty because we love the results we get. We are not being paid (yet) or have sponsors. Sharing products which work is our only goal. Oh yeah, attempt at your own risk and consult your doctor for any new regimens.
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