Soft Skin Scrubby Scrub
Lavender Salt Scrub

Exfoliating is the beginning of beauty basics. Using a salt scrub will leave your skin glowing and radiant by removing dead skin. I chose lavender for this week’s product because it’s my personal favorite scent. I find it relaxing. However, you can get a scrub and scent of your choice. Your skin will thank you and you’ll thank Secret Model Beauty.
Learn more benefits of using salt scrubs
Where to buy: You find find salt scrubs in most stores which carry beauty products. For a dead sea salt scrub check your local health food store. I also LOVE Philosophy Hot Salt Body Scrub
SMB recommended use: Once a week.
*All Product of the WEEK! recommendations are the views of Secret Model Beauty because we love the results we get. We are not being paid (yet) or have sponsors. Sharing products which work is our only goal. Oh yeah, attempt at your own risk and consult your doctor for any new regimens.
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