Beauty Inspiration


3 Ways To Eat Right For Beautiful Hair

April 13, 2015 // 1 Comment

Twenty percent of the human body is made up of protein. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. Since hair is nourished by the foods that you eat, including protein, we have put together 3 ways to eat right for beautiful hair to include in your everyday meal plan. [More...]

What’s The Secret?

December 2, 2011 // 0 Comments

How does one stay thin, keep a beautiful complexion and become a goddess? Secret Model Beauty shares some of the tips real models use to stay gorgeous. [More...]

Hello and Welcome

November 30, 2011 // 2 Comments

We will show you everything from beginner makeup, seasonal makeup to a perfect base. Oh, and definitely which products to keep your eye out for. Sharing beauty products and tips which work is our only mission. [More...]